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Daniela Mela
United Kingdom
University of Arts
Animation Film
• Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (basic), French (basic) • Computer skills> operating system: Windows, OS (Mac) software applications: Microsoft Office, Star Office browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Netscape, Google Chrome web design: Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash video editing: Adobe Premiere, After Effect computer languages: C, HTML, CSS • Degree in Art and Media (New Technologies of Art), 2007 - 2011, University of Fine Arts, Sassari Italy Marks: 110/110 1st year > photography, illustration, mass media, graphic art, video editing, history of art, painting, English 2nd year > perception and psychology of shape, plastic art, cinema’s direction, digital animation, carving, web software, history of cinema and show, anatomy, film-making, digital culture Final year > cinematography, web design, aesthetics of new media, economy of art and exposition systems, costume design
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