25-28 October 2011
View Conference
Turin, Italy (25-28) – Italy’s leading digital media conference has exceeded expectations once again with a line-up of outstanding filmmakers and computer graphics inventers, practitioners, and visionaries gathering in Italy for four days of inspirational talks, extraordinary educational workshops, and astounding visual and audio experiences.
This year, four award-winning keynote speakers expand VIEW’s reach and set the pace for the remarkable roster of notable presenters during the week. “We are so pleased and proud to welcome our keynote speakers Sharon Calahan, Tom Wujec, Cory Doctorow, and Randy Thom to the VIEW Conference,” says conference director Maria Elena Gutierrez. “Sharon is a goddess of light, Randy adds the dimension of sound, Tom is a visionary thinker, and Cory will challenge our thinking about art and the internet.” Calahan, Pixar’s renowned cinematographer, was the director of photography on Cars2. Thom, a two-time Academy Award winner created the sound design for Rio. Wujec, an Autodesk fellow and highly sought-after speaker has authored three books on innovation. Doctorow is a contributor to “The Guardian,” “The New York Times,” “Publishers Weekly,” “Wired,” and a coeditor of the Boing Boing blog. In addition to these luminaries, the VIEW Conference once again highlights artists who worked on films likely to be Oscar contenders in 2012 including: Academy-Award winner Scott Farrar, visual effects supervisor from Industrial Light & Magic for Transformers: The Dark of the Moon. Two-time Oscar nominee Roger Guyett, also from ILM, visual effects supervisor for Cowboys & Aliens. BAFTA award nominee Peter Nofz from Sony Pictures Imageworks, digital effects supervisor for Green Lantern. Gavin Graham, co-head of 3D at Double Negative for Captain America: The First Avenger. From the Moving Picture Company, Adriano Rinaldi, head of effects, and Daniele Bigi, look development lead for X-Men: First Class. Lucia Modesto, character technical director supervisor at PDI/DreamWorks for Kung Fu Panda 2. Glenn Entis co-founder of PDI, former head of DreamWorks Interactive, chief visual officer for Electronic Arts, Technical Achievement Academy Award winner, and now a founding partner in Vanedge Capital, will challenge everyone to think about the impact of games. Erminio Pinque, instructor at the Rhode Island School of Design, will help people understand how to turn concept art into creatures. “We believe that people working in every area of computer graphics can learn from each other,” Gutierrez says. “And, we are happy to provide a venue in which that can happen. We have such a star-studded conference this year that VIEW 2011 will be the best celebration of digital media, computer graphics and filmmaking yet. And, I would like to encourage people to attend our VIEWFest, as well.” VIEWFest, the Italian evolution of Resfest, unspools October 21 to 23, with director Enrico Casarosa from Pixar Animation Studios introducing the Italian premiere of “La Luna.” Also highlighting the festival are “Fratellini D’Italia “(“Garibaldi and the Kid Brothers of Italy”) with Maria Fares, co-founder of the animation production company Lanterna Magica attending, and the Italian premieres of the SIGGRAPH Animation Festival short films from 2011 in Vancouver and 2010 in Asia. The VIEW Conference takes place October 25 to 28 at the Centro Congressi TorinoIncontra in Turin, Italy and is now open for registrations. For more information, please visit our website viewconference.it |
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